Probably many of you wonder if paper pallets, so different from commonly known wooden pallets, will find their place in the current supply chain. Are they really an alternative worth attention? Will not be damaged during transport? We will try to dispel these doubts in the following article.
Lightweight design, exceptional stability
The pallets based on the honeycomb board which we produce in Dąbrówka Wielkopolska, have a range of applications where traditional wooden pallets can not be adapted. A very important factor that speaks for a paper solution is the weight of the product. Standard pallets used in the transport of goods have a weight of about 25 kg. The weight of paper pallets however, is only 2.5 kg. This significant difference allows you to reduce the weight of not only a single pallet with the goods, but also the entire unit load.
Thanks to the analysis of both variants, it is not difficult to conclude that the paper pallet allows to reduce the weight of loading by about 1.5 tons, which generates considerable savings at high frequency of deliveries. Another advantage of low weight is the lower workload for employees who work directly with paper pallets on the production as well as in the warehouse (damage and degeneration of the spine during prolonged load). The low weight of pallets will also be important when stacking products that are poorly resistant to crushing. In addition, the stability of paper pallets is not less than with conventional wooden pallets.
Ecology above all
Another factor determining the rightness of using an ecological alternative to wooden pallets, is primarily the material from which the product was made. The paper used to create them comes from the secondary circulation of waste paper as opposed to wood, which is obtained at the cost of a negative impact on the natural environment. After using the product, this material can be easily recycled.
Despite the multitude of wooden pallet sizes, their paper alternative allows for a more accurate selection of the size of the product to the customer’s needs. It depends on the recipient what size of the palette he wants to create from our materials. Thanks to this, he can be sure that he has ordered and paid for 100% of the product he needs. By transporting products on such a modern, individually composed pallet, the risk of damages caused by displaying goods beyond the outline of the pallet is minimized. In addition, unwanted waste in the form of splinters or sawdust will not remain in their use areas.
The increasing ecological awareness means that many global players have decided to switch to the paper pallet model. This change in the wider perspective may not only result in a reduction of costs related to the transport of goods, but also reduce the negative impact on the surrounding environment.
(Author: Przemysław Połomka, Junior Logistics Specialist)